
AWS How-To and Troubleshooting


Running NDT on AWS

This document provides a minimal set of instructions on how to get NDT running on an Amazon Web Services HPC cluster. To keep these instructions as simple as possible, many common practices especially with respect to security have been left out. Use at your own risk. These instructions were last verified to work on 2019-06-18.

Notational Conventions

Different commands need to be run on different machines and possibly by different users. Which machine (and possibly user) a command should be run as, is indicated by the sample command prompt:

Wherever an IP address would appear in an example, the address has been replaced with a.b.c.d. For input values, a note is provided to indicate which IP address a.b.c.d should be replaced with.



Since pip installs executables to an odd location, update the PATH to include this location.

local$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"

To make this change persistent, runtime configuration files will need to be updated as well (e.g., in bash, add export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH" to the end of ~/.bashrc).

Install AWS ParallelCluster

Cluster setup will be managed with the pcluster command line interface (CLI) which can be installed via pip.

local$ pip install --user --upgrade awscli
local$ pip install --user --upgrade aws-parallelcluster

Note: The utility formerly known as CfnCluster was renamed to pcluster.

Creating a User

Before a cluster can be set up, a user must be created with permissions to create the cluster.

  1. Open the IAM dashboard.
  2. Click “Users” in the left-nav.
  3. Click “Add user” button at the top of page.
  4. Add User:
    1. Enter a username (e.g. test_user).
    2. Select the “Programmatic access” checkbox.
    3. Click “Next: Permissions” at the bottom of the page.
  5. Set permissions:
    1. Select “Attach existing policies directly” near the top.
    2. Select the checkbox next to “AdministratorAccess”.
    3. Click “Next: Tags” at the bottom of the page.
  6. Click “Next: Review” at the bottom of the page.
  7. Screen should show:
    • User name that you entered
    • Programmatic access - with an access key
    • Permissions boundary is not set
    • Managed policy: AdministratorAccess
  8. If all is correct, click “Create User” at the bottom of the page.
  9. Click “Show” under “Secret access key”.
  10. Record the Access key ID which will be needed later.
  11. Record Secret access key which will be needed later.
    Warning: This is the last chance you will have to get this secret key.
  12. Click “Download .csv” to get the username and keys in CSV format. (optional)
  13. Click “Close” button at the bottom of the page.

If you failed to record or otherwise misplaced the secret key, a new key pair can be created for a user.

  1. Open IAM dashboard.
  2. Click “Users” in the left-nav.
  3. Click on the User name of the user that needs a new key pair.
  4. Select the “Security credentials” tab.
  5. Click the “Create access key” button in the “Access Keys” section near the middle of the page.
  6. Click “Show” under “Secret access key”.
  7. Record the Access key ID which is needed later.
  8. Record the Secret access key which will be needed later.
    Warning: This is the last chance you will have to get this secret key.
  9. Click “Download .csv” to get the User name and keys in CSV format. (optional)
  10. Click “Close” button.

Creating an SSH key pair

In order to login to a cluster via ssh, a pair of ssh keys is needed. To create such a pair:

  1. Open EC2 dashboard.
  2. Click the “+” to the left of “NETWORK & SECURITY” in the left-nav, if it is not already open.
  3. Click on “Key Pairs” in the left-nav under “NETWORK & SECURITY”.
  4. Click the “Create Key Pair” button at the top.
  5. Give the key a meaningful name (e.g., TestClusterSshKey).
  6. Click the “Create” button, which will download a PEM file (possibly with a .txt extension).
  7. Move the downloaded file to your ssh configuration directory (e.g., mv ~/Downloads/TestClusterSshKey.pem.txt ~/.ssh/TestClusterSshKey.pem)
  8. Set permissions on the PEM file to be only readable by owner (e.g., chmod 400 ~/.ssh/TestClusterSshKey.pem).

Next the CLI needs to be configured.

local$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Access key ID from user creation>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Secret access key from user creation>
Default region name [None]: us-east-2
Default output format [None]: text

If all went well, this should have created ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.

Creating Cluster Template

Configure a cluster template by running pcluster configure.

The process should look something like this:

local$ pcluster configure
Cluster Template [default]: default
Acceptable Values for AWS Region ID:
AWS Region ID []: us-east-2
VPC Name [public]: public
Acceptable Values for Key Name:
Key Name []: TestClusterSshKey
Acceptable Values for VPC ID:
VPC ID []: vpc-dfd9c6b7
Acceptable Values for Master Subnet ID:
Master Subnet ID []: subnet-5accb120

Configure compute instance types:

  1. Open ~/.parallelcluster/config in a text editor.
  2. Find the section [cluster default].
  3. Add (or modify) the compute_instance_type value (e.g., add a line compute_instance_type = t2.micro).
  4. Add (or modify) initial_queue_size and/or max_queue_size. (e.g., add a line max_queue_size = 10) (optional)

Note: If you need more than the default number of nodes (10), go to the EC2 Service Limits page to request an increase to the limits for the instance type being used.

Creating a Cluster

Actually create a cluster:

local$ pcluster create my-test-cluster

Note: This will take a surprisingly long time (approximately 5-10 minutes).

Verify that the cluster exists, by listing the current clusters (optional):

local$ pcluster list

Acquiring / Compiling NDT

Login to cluster:

local$ pcluster ssh my-test-cluster -i ~/.ssh/TestClusterSshKey.pem
The authenticity of host 'a.b.c.d (a.b.c.d)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:VGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIGZpbmdlcnByaW50LiAK.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

If prompted about the authenticity of the host, answer yes, as show above.

Clone NDT:

ec2$ cd /shared
ec2$ git clone https://github.com/doing-science-to-stuff/ndt.git

Compile NDT:

ec2$ cd ndt
ec2$ cmake . && make

If any additional files are needed (e.g. updated scene files or YAML files), those can be copied with scp.

  1. Open the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Click the “+” to the left of “INSTANCES” in the left-nav, if it is not already open.
  3. Click on “Instances” in the left-nav under “INSTANCES”.
  4. Find the row with “Master” as its name.
  5. Scroll over to the “IPv4 Public IP” column.
  6. Record the public IP address for the Master instance.

Using the public IP address, files can be transferred using scp.

ec2$ scp -i ~/.ssh/~/.ssh/TestClusterSshKey.pem \
        ./path_to_local_file \

Replacing a.b.c.d with the public IP address from the instances table.

Making a Snapshot

To simplify setting up clusters in the future, it is possible to take a snapshot of the current state of the /shared volume on the cluster. The snapshot can then be used as the starting point for future cluster instances.

To create a snapshot of the cluster:

  1. Open the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Click the “+” to the left of “INSTANCES” in the left-nav, if it is not already open.
  3. Click on “Instances” in the left-nav under “INSTANCES”.
  4. Find and click on the row with “Master” as its name.
  5. Select the “Description” tab in the lower section of the page.
  6. Find the “Block devices” section of the description.
  7. Click on “/dev/sdb”.
  8. Click on the name of the ESB ID.
  9. Click the “Actions” button at the top of the screen.
  10. Select “Create Snapshot”.
  11. Enter a description (e.g., NDT Compiled and Ready to Run).
  12. Click “Create Snapshot” button.
  13. Click the “Close” button.
  14. In the left-nav, in the “ELASTIC BLOCK STORE” section, click on “Snapshots” to open the snapshots console to check on the status of the snapshot.

Queuing / Running a Job

The cluster uses a queueing system to manage jobs. To submit a job to the queuing system, a submission script that describes what is to be run must be written.

Using a text editor (e.g., nano or vim), create a file named example_job.sh. In that file add the following text:

#$ -cwd
#$ -N ndt
#$ -pe mpi 10
#$ -j y
/usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS ./ndt -b r -f 3 -d 4 -s scenes/hypercube.so

In this file, the 10 in the line #$ -pe mpi 10 specified how many slots (cores) the job will use.

Submit the job:

ec2$ qsub example_job.sh

Note: It may complain that ec2-user's job is not allowed to run in any queue. This can be ignored.

The status of the submitted job can be tracked with the qstat command.

ec2$ qstat
job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue         slots ja-task-ID
      1 0.55500 ndt        ec2-user     qw    06/18/2019 05:28:02                  10

The state qw means the job is waiting for enough resources to be available to run the job.

If qstat doesn’t produce any output, there are no jobs in the queue. Which means either qsub failed, or the the job started and has already terminated.

Progress on adding execution hosts to the cluster can be tracked with the qconf command.

ec2$ qconf -sh

When the job starts, the state will change to r. Once the job completes, it will no longer show up in qstat output.

Standard out is redirected to a file, progress of the running job can be tracked by tailing this file. Since the job-ID show by qstat is 1, the filename will be ndt.o1.

ec2$ tail -f ndt.o1

To stop monitoring the progress, press ctrl+c. This will not affect the running job, it will only stop displaying of further output.

If you need to stop a running job, you can do so with the qdel command.

ec2$ qdel 1

Where 1 is the job-ID for the running job, as reported by qstat.

Jobs that terminate normally do not need to be deleted.

Retrieving Results

Once a rendering job is complete, the resulting images will need to be retrieved from the cluster before the cluster is deleted.

Warning: Any output not captured in a snapshot or transferred off of the cluster will be destroyed when the cluster is deleted.

  1. Open the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Click the “+” to the left of “INSTANCES” in the left-nav, if it is not already open.
  3. Click on “Instances” in the left-nav under “INSTANCES”.
  4. Find the row with “Master” as its name.
  5. Scroll over to the “IPv4 Public IP” column.
  6. Record the IP address for the Master instance.

Using the public IP address, files can be transferred using scp.

local$ mkdir results
local$ scp -r -i ~/.ssh/~/.ssh/TestClusterSshKey.pem \
        ec2-user@a.b.c.d:/shared/ndt/images \

Replacing a.b.c.d with the public IP address from the instances table.

Deleting a Cluster

Once you are finished running jobs on the cluster and have collected all of your output files, log out of the master node with the logout command.

ec2$ logout
Connection to a.b.c.d closed.

When you are done with the cluster, it can be torn down with the pcluster command.

local$ pcluster delete my-test-cluster

Verify that cluster was deleted, by listing the current clusters (optional):

local$ pcluster list

Attaching a snapshot

If you created a snapshot before deleting the cluster, you can use that snapshot as the starting point for future cluster instances.

  1. Open the snapshots console.
  2. Locate the “Snapshot ID” of the snapshot you are interested in.
  3. Add an ebs section to ~/.parallelcluster/config:
     [ebs snapshot_name]
     ebs_snapshot_id = snap-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Where snap-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the actual ID of the snapshot.

  4. Add a reference to the snapshot in the [cluster default] section:
     ebs_settings = snap-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

At this point rerunning pcluster create cluster-name will create a cluster such that /shared is populated with the contents of the snapshot, eliminating the need to refetch the source code and compile it.


As with any complex process, things may go wrong along the way. This section provides a list of potential problems that may occur and suggestions on how to fix them.
